
What is the SafeContractor Accreditation?

SafeContractor Accreditation is a leading Health and Safety Accreditation scheme in the UK. We don’t want to overwhelm you with information, so we have included the main points for you below. 

SafeContractor is a registered member of the Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSIP) accreditation and is an online health and safety assessment scheme that allows companies to become compliant.  

The SafeContractor PQQ (SafePQQ) Health and Safety Pre-Approval Scheme helps you demonstrate to potential clients that you meet health and safety standards and corporate responsibility requirements. 

It is pretty standard for large organisations and local authorities to be SafeContractor-approved and have the accreditation in place to employ you to do work. 

The SafeContractor Accreditation process can open more doors for your business to win more contracts and tender for work directly rather than through a third party.  

We are partners with SafeContractor and can offer you exclusive benefits, including a free FastTrack on your application process.