Health and Safety Consultants & Accreditation Experts


 Constructionline Silver Key Benefits

Constructionline is a great accreditation to obtain for your business. With Constructionline, you can be seen by thousands of potential clients whilst showcasing your safety and reliability. Accessible to many, you need to have the right level of accreditation for your business.

Constructionline Silver is a suitable level of Constructionline for many businesses and we are going to be discussing the Constructionline Silver accreditation in more detail in today's blog, including some of the key things you will need to provide to gain this level of Constructionline membership, so keep reading to find out more.


What Is Constructionline?

Constructionline is an accreditation system for the construction industry and is an online database that is widely used across the UK. The database has 2500 members and the Constructionline accreditation aims to save you a lot of time in the tender process. The members of the database include some potential top clients including the government, local authorities and other large contractors too.

You can be matched with buyers through the database, which helps the process and the supply chain. It will also help you demonstrate to clients that you are a safe working company. Most major companies use the Constructionline portal online to help find them a business that they know is verified.

Attaining Constructionline accreditation can help any business at any stage, big or small - Constructionline is relevant to all. Ultimately, not having the accreditation could lose your work opportunities with a business that is accredited.

There are different levels to the Constructionline accreditation, and different levels will be suitable for different businesses.


How Constructionline Can Help You

Constructionline accreditation has lots of benefits. It can help you to grow and can put you in touch with many new clients and large contractors, securing your work just by being a part of the online database. This could be with the council, NHS or similar organisations like this.

Become more recognised with Constructionline and promote your business. It will help you gain more work opportunities as your company’s name will be listed on the portal to thousands, whilst showing that you have a great reputation and are reliable as a business. This is extremely important within the construction industry for clients.

Constructionline will also save you money and time. It removes the task of finding yourself work, as work will come to you. ‘Time is money' in business, so attaining a Constructionline membership is extremely worth it.

By showing you have met industry standards by UK government law, you are proving your company is safe. Over 23,000 businesses are registered with Constructionline, so make sure you are one of them so you do not miss out on potential work.


The Different Levels of Constructionline Accreditation

You can choose from four different levels of Constructionline accreditation. These include Constructionline Bronze, Constructionline Silver, Constructionline Gold, and Constructionline Platinum. There are of course different criteria to meet for the various levels. The level you may attain will be the one that is most suited to your business.


Your Constructionline Silver Membership - What it Entails

Silver in Constructionline accreditation is level 2 of the memberships. You will have to give information from the following to become accredited at this level:

  • Company and identity details
  • Finances
  • Insurance information
  • Business and professional standing - anti-bribery and corruption etc.
  • Health and safety compliance
  • Details of third-party health and safety certificates - SSIP, ISO
  • Work categories - minimum of one, includes copies of licences with reference and accreditations'

You must prove compliance and provide information on all the things listed above before you can submit yourself for verification.



Becoming accredited can be a long and complicated process if you are not familiar with what you are doing. This is why you should come to Beaconrisk for assistance.

At Beaconrisk, we can provide you with all the help you need whilst we take care of all the complicated paperwork so you don’t have to. With us, you will become Constructionline accredited in no time and you can concentrate on your business.

Contact Beaconrisk today - we are always happy to help and support you and your business with Constructionline. We can help you become Constructionline accredited as well as other accreditations too. Take a look at the rest of our website, you will find more information about the services we offer along with all of our contact information.
