Health and Safety Consultants & Accreditation Experts


How To Apply for CHAS Accreditation

Obtaining the CHAS Accreditation can be essential for your business. CHAS helps you become more recognised whilst showing that you are compliant with health and safety standards.

The list of benefits goes on with CHAS Accreditation - you will also save yourself time as CHAS is one of the most popular and recognised safety assessment schemes in the industry. So why not become CHAS accredited today?

In this blog today, we will be going over how to apply for CHAS accreditation, including the steps you need to prepare to be assessed. Don't forget to get help from Beaconrisk - with our expertise, we can easily help you and your business apply and become CHAS accredited.


The CHAS Accreditation

The CHAS Accreditation is a well-established health and safety accreditation scheme. CHAS stands for The Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme and aims to make workplaces for industries a much safer place to be.

CHAS is a trusted online health and safety accreditation scheme, similar to constructionline - among many others. CHAS will review all aspects of your risk management policies in a single annual audit.

There are over 75,000 CHAS members, which includes more than 1000 public and private sector bodies. Being a member of CHAS shows that you meet excellent health and safety standards by law and showcases that to prospective clients.


How to Apply for CHAS Accreditation

Below, we will go through the steps for how you can apply for CHAS Accreditation for your business. CHAS is a widely recognised accreditation body, so gaining this accreditation is essential for many companies, especially those in construction.

Read on to learn the key steps you will need to prepare in order to apply for CHAS Accreditation so you can show that your business is committed to the best health and safety practices.


Take a Look at The Assessment

The CHAS website offers the option to review the sections included. This guide will give you a good idea of what your business will need to provide to gain accreditation.

The application process will differ depending on the size of your company and the level of CHAS you apply for. There is the option to apply for CHAS Standard, CHAS Advanced and CHAS Elite. 


Prepare the Documentation

It is important that you have all the necessary paperwork in place. You will need all of your health and safety information and every record to show that you comply with health and safety laws and regulations. Don't worry, this is something that Beaconrisk can help you with!


Use Your Documents

You need to upload the appropriate policies, forms and procedures to CHAS. Again, this is something Beaconrisk can help you with!



You will need to demonstrate competency in the form of health and safety and trade-based training. This can include rules and procedures about other certain safety topics, such as manual handling or working from height. The relevant certificates and records for your workforce should be provided.


Keep Track of Your Health and Safety

You will also have to showcase that you are monitoring your health and safety procedures at work to prove that you are keeping on top of these standards and continually reviewing and improving areas of your business.

Evidence should show that this monitoring is carried out. This can include site inspections, action plans, and health and safety meetings. Accident records and investigations into accidents should also be provided along with the preventative measures that have taken place in order to stop the accident in question from reoccurring.


Beaconrisk Can Help With the CHAS Accreditation

Beaconrisk can help you with CHAS accreditation support. We provide affordable CHAS help to ensure that you have everything in place and help you with the process that can be complicated if you are struggling with the CHAS Accreditation. With our help, you can be CHAS accredited in no time so you can be recognised by thousands, helping your business grow.

You do not have to face the accreditation process alone, contact us for advice today at Beaconrisk. One of our experts will be there to help you and offer you support throughout the process.
