Most major construction companies prioritise becoming a member of the Constructionline Accreditation, as it is so popular and widely recognised. Constructionline can be suitable for all construction companies in the UK, no matter what size your company is.
Read this article to discover our guide to Constructionline Gold membership, including what it entails and what areas you will be assessed in, so keep reading to find out more.
What Is Constructionline Gold?
Constructionline is an online accreditation that is widely used across the construction industry and recognised in the UK. Constructionline is an online database that has over 2500 members. The members of the database can include some potential and top-paying clients. Being a member of the Constructionline Accreditation could save you a lot of time, effort and money.
By becoming a member, you are likely to be matched and found by buyers through the online database. The buyers include people from the government, local authorities and other big contractors. Being part of the Constructionline database is highly beneficial, as it demonstrates to potential clients that you are a serious company with the correct policies and procedures in place.
All of the major companies use the Constructionline portal to help find tradespeople that they know they can trust and have the right procedures in place.
Constructionline is available to any business at any stage. It really doesn’t matter how big or small your business is or when you have started trading. The different levels are suitable for all types of businesses.
The Levels of Constructionline Accreditation
There are four levels to the Constructionline accreditation membership. The Constructionline Gold level is the most popular, which we are going to be talking a bit more about in more detail in this article. Then we have the others:
- Level 1 - Constructionline Bronze
- Level 2 - Constructionline Silver
- Level 3 - Constructionline Gold
- Level 4 - Constructionline Platinum
The different levels hold different criteria that need to be met in order to become achieve that accreditation level. The level you choose to obtain will be the right one for your business - often this is dictated by your client in order to win a tender.
Guide to Constructionline Gold Level 3 Membership
As one of the top membership levels in Constructionline, the Gold Level membership illustrates compliance with the Common Assessment Standard.
For an understanding of what Constructionline Gold involves, keep reading to find out what you are likely to be assessed on.
In addition to the Constructionline Silver accreditation membership, for Gold Constructionline, you will be assessed in the following areas:
- Environmental management
- Equality
- Diversity
- Equal opportunity
- Modern slavery
- Anti-bribery
- Corruption
Some other areas that are also assessed include:
- Identification
- Work trades and categories
- Quality management
- Health and Safety
- Risk assessment
- Acclaim (optional SSIP)
- Insurance
- Finances
This ensures that you have been assessed and adhere to the standards for potential buyers that your company has been subjected to increased scrutiny around governance and risk management. Fulfilling these criteria will help put you in the position to win more work.
The Gold Level of Constructionline goes above and beyond the PAS 91 requirements, due to the enhanced topics that get checked such as anti-corruption policies and environment management. Having the Constructionline Gold membership really helps you stand out from the rest for private and public buyers.
Some of the Benefits of Constructionline Gold
Constructionline Gold is a great level to achieve and we have included below some of the benefits of attaining Constructionline Gold.
- You meet the common assessment standard - this helps you save time and money during the prequalification stage. The Constructionline Gold set of questions follows PAS 91 requirements and is based on this pre-qualification questionnaire.
- Pre-qualify for large projects - the accreditation scheme has been adopted by some of the biggest buyers in the UK. It has been found that over 81% of those that search the Constructionline online database search for the Gold level in the criteria, this works out to be 64% more than those that look for the Silver membership level.
- Includes SSIP Accreditation - Constructionline Gold also includes Acclaim SSIP accreditation. The Acclaim Accreditation is a health and safety assessment scheme and can help to reduce costs by 40%.
Beaconrisk Can Help You
Beaconrisk can help you to achieve your Constructionline Gold membership. We can help and support your business. Why not free up your time, remove the hassle and simplify gaining your accreditation by using Beaconrisk.
Constructionline is relevant to all construction businesses in the UK. Over half of the 23,000 members that are part of the Constructionline database have turned over just short of a million. Want this to be you? Get in touch with us today to start the Constructionline Accreditation process.
We are the accreditation experts so do be sure to check out the other accreditations that we can help you with if you are interested in any other certifications.