Health and Safety Consultants & Accreditation Experts


Reasons to Get a Constructionline Gold Membership

Before we jump into why you should get a Constructionline Gold membership, it is ideal that you understand what the Constructionline Accreditation is.

There are four levels of the Constructionline Accreditation that you can choose from. These levels include Constructionline Bronze, Constructionline Silver, Constructionline Gold and Constructionline Platinum.

The Constructionline Accreditation is an online register for pre-qualified contractors and consultants and is often used by the construction industry. Over 2500 members access the portal to qualify potential workers, including the central government, main contractors and local authorities.

There are many benefits that come with the Constructionline Gold membership, including secure data storage, a verified membership, a searchable profile and much more. Read on for more information on why you should get a Constructionline Gold membership.

What is a Constructionline Gold Membership?

Out of all the Constructionline levels, the Constructionline Gold membership tends to be the most popular. Whether you are new to the business industry or have been a well-established company for a while, Constructionline Gold is relevant to all construction businesses across the UK.

This membership aims to save you time and money by providing a way to assess your company against industry-approved, PAS 91 criteria. Some of the criteria include finance, health and safety, environmental management and quality management - to many more!

In addition, the Constructionline Gold membership ensures that all contractors abide by legislation regarding modern slavery, corruption and anti-bribery. This reflects well on you as a business, as it shows potential buyers that you have been successful in the assessment against the Constructionline Gold requirements.

Here at Beaconrisk, we understand that the Constructionline Gold Application process can be daunting and time-consuming, which is why we are here to help to streamline the process from start to finish. We can help ensure that you are compliant with the Constructionline accreditation standards.


Benefits of Constructionline Gold

There are many ways Constructionline Gold can benefit your business. For example, having this accreditation allows you to bring credibility to your business and can help build your reputation. It can also improve your professional image and reflect well on your organisation.

The Constructionline Accreditation is a scheme that is commonly used to approve contractors in the construction industry. The platform is accessed by over 2500 members and is suitable for all types of construction companies.

If you are looking for ways to enhance opportunities for your business, then Constructionline is a great accreditation to have.

When you join the Constructionline membership, you are bound to see an increase in recognition by showcasing your business to over 2500 Constructionline members.

Moreover, you are more likely to gain bigger contracts - Constructionline is used by a range of large-scale clients, such as the NHS, blue chip clients and local councils.

This means you will have the opportunity to work with these accredited organisations when they require construction work. Another benefit is that you can showcase yourself and your business for future work across different sectors.

By being Constructionline accredited, your reputation is enhanced, as you are showing you are a trustworthy and reliable business. This also allows potential clients to feel reassured that you will carry out work in a professional and safe manner.

As you can see, there are a number of benefits that come with being Constructionline accredited. So if you want to improve your business and tender for your work rather than through someone else, then this membership could be great for you.


Beaconrisk Can Help

Here at Besconrisk, we understand that running a business can come with a range of responsibilities, which is why our expert consultants can manage the Constructionline process for you from start to finish.

To achieve Constructionline Gold, an SSIP (Safety Schemes in Procurement) Accreditation is required - in other words, a health and safety accreditation. One way is to complete the Acclaim Accreditation on the Constructionline portal.

Our aim is to help support and guide you throughout the process to make sure that you are found compliant in line with the Constructionline accreditation standards.

We have completed over 5608 successful accreditations and have supported 3244 clients, so you can rest assured that you are in safe hands.

If you have any questions or would like more information on our Constructionline support services, don’t hesitate to contact us at 0151 647 8658. Alternatively, fill out our online form for a free quote or support. We are more than happy to help!
