Health and Safety Consultants & Accreditation Experts




How Much Does Safecontractor Cost And Is It Worth It?

The SafeContractor Accreditation is a health and Safety scheme in the UK; it is a member of the SSIP and is therefore classed as an SSIP accreditation. In other words, it is an online assessment that lets you show your clients that you have the right health and safety procedures.

There is a range of benefits to being SafeContractor approved, such as adding credibility to your business. It is recommended that all large businesses and organisations should consider becoming SafeContractor-approved.

In addition, this SSIP accreditation can allow your business to win additional contracts and open more doors for your organisation. The SafeContractor accreditation is recommended for all companies, especially those in the construction industry.

Throughout this blog, we will be discussing how much SafeCcontractor costs and the benefits of having the SSIP Accreditation. For more information, continue reading.


Common Health and Safety Questions (And Answers!)

There are many rules and legislations to follow when it comes to health and safety and it can be difficult to keep up with updates. Health and safety legislation is put into place by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), and it is important to follow legislation in all industries to protect yourself and your workplace.

By protecting your workplace, you are also reducing any possible absences related to accidents or injuries by ensuring that your work environment is safe. As health and safety is such a massive part of all workplaces, it can become confusing trying to keep up with any changes or updates to the health and safety regulations.

Throughout this blog, we will be exploring a range of different health and safety questions and answers. This is to test your knowledge and help give you a better understanding of health and safety rules and regulations. For more information, please read on!

Do I Need to Take a Risk Assessment Training Course?

A risk assessment course is used to teach people what risk assessments are and how and when to perform them. The course provides you with a thorough understanding of what risk assessments are and their importance in maintaining compliance.

Risk assessment courses allow candidates to understand how to complete risk them, as well as explaining why they are important. Having the correct risk assessments in place is important for all workplaces, especially high-risk environments.

Risk assessments are used to identify hazards in the workplace and put measures in place to prevent them. This is put in place by the Health and Safety Executives (HSE) with the aim of reducing work-related injuries.

Once you complete a risk assessment course, you will receive a certificate as proof that you have undertaken risk assessment training.

This is helpful to demonstrate your competency in completing risk assessments, as you have a thorough understanding of managing risks and you can provide effective safety advice to other members of staff.

Throughout this blog, we will be discussing whether you need to take a risk assessment course and more. Read on for more information!

Reasons to Outsource Health and Safety Support

Outsourcing is when a company or organisation hires a third party (another company) to fulfil its tasks. When people outsource health and safety support, they receive a qualified and experienced expert without having to pay for an in-house health and safety department.

Outsourcing is ideal as it saves you money and increases efficiency. Outsourcing allows companies to remain focused on their operations while cutting out labour costs and expenses. Throughout this blog, we will be discussing reasons to outsource health and safety support. Read on for more information.

